For a few weeks now I have had a problem with my HSM RECYCLE ML2
F HSM,RECYCLE ML2 EXECUTE ARC0830I RECYCLE COMMAND PROCESSING STARTING IEF244I HSM HSM - UNABLE TO ALLOCATE 1 UNIT(S) 300 AT LEAST 1 OFFLINE UNIT(S) NEEDED. IEF877E HSM NEEDS 1 UNIT(S) 301 FOR HSM SYS41934 FOR VOLUME PRIVAT- 1 OFFLINE, NOT ACCESSIBLE 0593 593 is always offline. It's just another 3590. There are 3 others online and not being used. And I can't figure out what the Privat - 1 is. I've printed my entire VOLCAT and there is no volser that is just a 1. Suggestions on how to figure out what that privat volume is? -- Mark Pace Mainline Information Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at