Paul Gilmartin wrote:
What are the z/Series using as a time reference?  Is it possible for one
z/Series to use the SNTP daemon on another z/Series system as a reference?

Options (I think they were mostly OEM) have existed for some time to connect a Sysplex Timer with an ETR such as a receiver for a Radio transmitter like the German DCF77 or a GPS receiver. To my knowledge, there hasn't been much customer interest in these devices.

Using SNTP to get the time might be easier but it is, I think, understandable that installations are careful about connecting a Sysplex Timer to the Internet.

The problem of adjusting the time base of a sysplex is quite complex. Increments have to be chosen very carefully and simply setting the time back is out of the question.
Ulrich Boche
SVA GmbH, Germany
IBM Premier Business Partner

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