It is quite common HR policy. It is usually kept 'in secret' (in silence
at least), becasue it nothing to be proud of, but it is in quite common
use. From the other hand I know companies in Poland where people work
for two reasons:
a) to get some experience, take some classes and go away with better CV.
b) because they don't want to learn, they don't want to work to hard,
usually they rather stupid than dumb.
Since I part of my job is teaching on mainframe courses, I often meet
them (only mainframe staff in fact) and observe their careers. Sometimes
one can distinguish a and b -types during first lab.
There are also companys that will give you all the education you ask
for, because the rest of the compensation package is so shamefully poor.
A catalog-shopping firm I know of comes to mind. It was common knowledge
that you went here, picked their pockets for all the education you could
get in 2-3 years, then went to a "real" shop. The compensation package
for employees included only very minimal health insurance, with no
provision for dependants, below-average salaries, very rigid work hours,
minimal vacation time, all that kind of "stuff". CAn I say "Two sides to
every coin"??
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