Ah! You see: you said you were going to use Put Move
(MACRF=(GL,PM)), but you actually used Put Locate (or,
more precisely, PUTX Locate) because your PUTX only
has one operand. To use PUTX Move mode you need to
specify two operands: the DCB and location where the
record should be put from; so you used PUTX locate
mode even though you promised to use PUTX move mode;
so you got away with a little lie. The proper way is
to code MACRF=(GL,PL). Try it that way. It will work
and will be correct.
Actually, for PUTX, the optional second operand specifies
the input dcb address, not record/buffer address. So, I
think this implies that there's no such thing as PUTX-MOVE
From: Steve Comstock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ways to update PS files?
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 07:08:42 -0600
Johnny Luo wrote:
Here is my program:
Ah! You see: you said you were going to use Put Move
(MACRF=(GL,PM)), but you actually used Put Locate (or,
more precisely, PUTX Locate) because your PUTX only
has one operand. To use PUTX Move mode you need to
specify two operands: the DCB and location where the
record should be put from; so you used PUTX locate
mode even though you promised to use PUTX move mode;
so you got away with a little lie. The proper way is
to code MACRF=(GL,PL). Try it that way. It will work
and will be correct.
On 8/21/07, Steve Comstock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmmmm. I'd have to see the program.
Kind regards,
-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.
Now you can see troubleĀ
before he arrives
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