On 5 Oct 2007 15:33:52 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shane) wrote:

>> China has one time zone.
>Which (of course) is set for the convenience of Beijing. Pity the poor
>souls in (far) western regions.
>The difference is noticeable just trying to arrange photos at dawn each
>day as you putter up (what is known as) the Yangtze.

Why pity them?   The sun still gets up in the morning, only their
clocks are different than when the sun get up in the east.   And when
someone in the East asks for a teleconference, they know exactly what
time it will be on their clocks.   Or if they have to travel, they
don't get confused about what clock time the meeting will be at.

Even *with* time zones, I notice that some times of the year, I go to
work in the dark, some times I go to work in the light.    I could use
a sidereal clock or check the local paper if it mattered.    Whether
my local clock said "6:00" or whether it said "10:00".    What's the

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