Miklos Szigetvari writes:
>On the hardware side , as we are software development company ,  we
>need a SYSPLEX with different z/OS releases,
>and a "strong" CPU which could compile our  sources in a "acceptable"
>time frame.
>We compile now in the z/800 about 18 hours, in the fastest Unix servers
>the same is about 2 hours.

My guess is you've got a uniprocessor-friendly workload, but I'm curious to
hear back what you discover.

How often do you do recompiles for things like syntax checking?
Conceivably you could see some benefit to using Rational Developer for
System z to handle the code syntax checking right on the developer PC.
Starting in V7.0 it supports C/C++.

Also a shout out to the Dignus people here, which is an alternative or
additional option.

>The code is 98% C++, and we would like to test  the optimised code for
>the z9 machines .
>   We deliver currently the code optimised for 9672.
>Here is als a question: how to deal with the possibilty to generate code
>for different hardware architecture levels.

You can certainly do that, and there's been a lot of discussion on the list
previously about the "best" ways to support different hardware
architectures from the same product, from both support and technical points
of view.  There's also the interesting option of METAL C (in the z/OS 1.9
compiler and above), which might be of particular interest to an ISV like
you.  As general (and perhaps unsurprising) advice I'd say that you only
need to support the newer instructions (even optionally) if they benefit
your product.

There are various hardware features you can use that do not depend on the
presence of the actual hardware.  One notable example is the zIIP.  If you
zIIP-enable your product (or part of your product), it still runs on
non-zIIP-equipped hardware.  I believe many (but not all) of the ICSF
(cryptographic) services are like that, too, to pick another example.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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