McKown, John wrote:
Has the z10 been announced? If not, then you may be in violation of an
NDA to even talk about it here. If it has been announced, I would really
appreciate a URL to see what it is like!

I did not sign any NDA document, so I feel free to talk about z10. It's perfectly legal. BTW: How do you think - *why* IBM informs about z10 under NDA ? I strongly doubt they want to keep it in secret, otherwise why to inform anyone, even under NDA ? This is called 'virus marketting' - everyone's curious about the secret.

Tom Schmidt wrote:
> You might want to ask your question again AFTER next Tuesday, Feb.
> 26th, since a 'z10' has not been announced just yet.  (Rumored
> heavily, sure, but not announced.)

I believe Paul (everyone) can ask now as well. Official announcement will not change neither question nor answer.

So, I feel free to answer to Paul's question: I don't know <vbg>, however I suspect Infiniband connection won't be available on z/900. So, it's likely the only option would remain ISC. BTW: It is not recommended to use so different machines (in term of CPU speed) in sysplex. To much overhead.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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