The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

recent posts mentioning doing dispatching in the 60s for improving both
uniprocessor as well as multiprocessor cache hit ratios (including a
form of low-overhead cache affinity dispatching) CPU time differences for the same job CPU time differences for the same job Random thoughts What happened to resumable 

last Friday with early mention of hiperdispatch z10 presentation on 26 Feb

there was some question of moving more of the multiprocessing
dispatching function into the microcode ... or making it more sensitive
to cache hit efficiencies ... or just fastpath software.

i had done fastpath dispatch software as undergraduate in the 60s for
cp67 (40yrs since it was announced at the spring 68 share meeting in

in the mid-70s ... doing work on 5-way multiprocessor product (which got
canceled before shipping) ... misc past posts

... i was able to move lots of stuff in microcode ... defining queued
interface for path i/o operation as well as for dispatching (software
and microcode interacting with common queue). the i/o stuff provided
some of the function of 370-xa queued i/o interface ... the dispatching
was somewhat analogous to what was defined later for the i432.


from above: 


A z10 EC exclusive, HiperDispatch represents a cooperative effort
between the z/OS operating system and the z10 EC hardware and is
intended to provide improved efficiencies in both the hardware and the
software in the following ways:

 * Work may be dispatched across fewer logical processors therefore
   reducing the multi-processor (MP) effects and lowering the
   interference among multiple partitions.

 * Specific z/OS tasks may be dispatched to a small subset of logical
   processors which Processor Resource/Systems Managerâ„¢ (PR/SMâ„¢) will
   tie to the same physical processors, thus improving the hardware
   cache re-use and locality of reference characteristics such as
   reducing the rate of cross-book communication.

... snip ...

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