Ted MacNEIL wrote:
Does anybody realise that you cannot issue prior restraint?
You cannot legally enforce the fact that you cannot disseminate an e-mail that 
was sent to you, stating you can't send it from here!

If an email was sent to you, unsolicited, you can do whatever you want with it.
Sending to a list server is unsolicited.
I know this is the law in Canada; I'm pretty sure it's the same in the US.

As the Klingons say: "if you don't want it heard, you shall not say it".

I'm not sure, but I think this is a little bit on topic.

I disagree. It's not. As far as I understand you talk about "legal" disclaimers in the mails. Well, I also have one, unfortunately it is completely independent from me. I believe others have no choice as well. So, let's keep ingoring them and talk about bits and bytes (in a mainframe).

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

P.S. I must get a gas ;-)

ul. Senatorska 18
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NIP: 526-021-50-88
Według stanu na dzień 01.01.2008 r. kapitał zakładowy BRE Banku SA  wynosi 
118.642.672 złote i został w całości wpłacony.

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