Mark Zelden wrote:

> Seems like a good idea. Has a requirement ever been submitted?
> If not, someone should. 

Yes. Many times. The issue was dealt with (that is, dispensed
with) in the GUIDE "JES Job Scheduling and Control" Task Force 
report. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago, and memories
are old and lost and involved faces and personalities are now
greatly changed. Only Ed Gould remains. But the issue remains
and (just like the classic question of why the data set [name] 
ENQ cannot include the VOLSER) keeps getting raised here from 
time to time. 

in response to what Walt Farrell wrote: 

> It seems like it would be a reasonable enhancement.  Like most 
> enhancements, it would help to have customers request it of the 
> JESes.

in response to what Edward Jaffe wrote:

>Doesn't it seem that JES should natively perform this checking 
> -- without the use of a user exit?

in response to what Robert S. Hansel wrote:

> ... a sample JES Exit 6 in Appendix G for controlling the use 
> of JES input class. It uses profiles in the FACILITY class of 
> the format JOBCLASS.x, where 'x' is the class designator.

Well, no. A bad idea is a bad idea. The worst are the ones that
seem, without much thinking and critical analysis, to be a good 
idea. Historically, this is how we got a lot of poorly thought-
out things in MVS out of IBM. (Well, it seemed like a good idea
or requirement. Oh, well. You have it now. Deal with it. Submit
another requirement. Making a list of your favorite examples is 
an exercise I leave for the reader.)
And so we open this can of worms again. As before, binding time
and scope are the questions. When (i.e., where) and under which
circumstances would folks want the authorization to occur? At 
JOB conversion time (this is what is now implied by "Exit 6")?
Before (so you get any errors early, before the job is sent to
some other member)? At interpretation time (which is different
for JES2 and JES3), so that, for JES2 the check is done on the
system where the job will execute? What about operator commands
that change the JOB's CLASS? Would that be checked? Where? On
which system? The system where the command was entered? The ESM
rules that control this MIGHT be different on different JES2
members or JES3 LOCALs. What about SDSF (or IOF) commands and
actions? Check on the system where the TSO user is executing? A
final check before the JOB actually begins execution? What would
happen if it failed then? Would the system need to keep a history
of JOB CLASS changes and unwind the commands' effects back to the
point where the JOB's CLASS was valid (on some eligible member)?
The JOB's CLASS might have been (validly) changed by an operator
at 10:30 PM, but when some INIT on some potentially reconfigured
MVS image finally selected the JOB for execution at 3:45 AM, on 
another shift, it's a no-go, and the operators on that shift are
now confused.

The operational problem with doing this is that you can create a
set of ESM profiles/permits/rules that would allow a succession
of CLASS= specifications on the original JOB card and subsequent
user/operator commands that, at that time, would be pronounced
acceptable, but in the end (at least if done in a manner that 
would please the most a-r security administrators and auditors)
would fail the JOB as ineligible for execution in that CLASS
on the member (system) which had the unfortunate experience to
have an INIT that ended up selecting it for execution, to the 
surprise, no doubt, of the original submitter.

There are far too many variables (meaning ways that customers,
in their infinite, creative, "this is obviously the correct way"
wisdom "know" to be right) for any simple-minded implementation
to satisfy even a significant plurality of shops. Almost any way
that IBM would do this would be sure to irritate more customers
(that wanted to use it) than it would please. An attempt to fit
almost any general solution would require a set of additional, 
associated options or parameters to specify the answers to the
questions I asked just above. And I've probably left out another 
dozen or so that I forgot about from previous discussions on the
subject. The noble effort to deliver "something useful" would 
have turned something seemingly simple into something complex.  

This is one of the most perfect examples, IMHO, of a function 
that SHOULD NOT be implemented by IBM as a native JES / ESM 
facility, but left to the creative thinking and goal-specific 
inventiveness of each individual installation. The question of
binding time is one that is difficult to pin down here. There
are many simultaneously correct and incorrect answers.

Before anybody responds with "well, just do it _this_ way or
do it _here_ [at this point in the MVS / JES code] and that
would be perfect" think first about the situation outside of 
you own little (or big) boxes and discover how your solution
might not meet the needs or requirements of some other shop.
I know you think your way would please a majority of shops.
While it might please nearly all of the bright folks who do
pay attention to this list (other than Ed Gould, who is hard 
to please) I bet it would not actually work out well for the 
vast silent majority.

The last point is that the idea that IBM might do something
like this just leads to _this_ sort of thinking (courtesy of
C.P. Vernooy):

> Well, if we do this, let's do it good and ask Jes2 to check 
> on all its 'resources', like Sysoutclass, RJE station, 
> Execution NJE node, printing Node, Building, Name, Estmated 
> Lines, Estimates time, Sysaff and the dozens other parameters 
> a user can request and we would like to restrict and have 
> written exits for.

I trust you can see where _that_ sort of thing would lead.  I
assume, C.P. Vernooy, that you had your tongue planted firmly
in cheek when you wrote that. 


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