Hi list.

I have a question (probably rather picky) going from z/OS 1.4 to 1.7.
During testing of the 1.7 upgrade, I had an applications programmer run
a batch COBOL/IDMS job that created and cataloged a new non-SMS dataset.
The JCL is shown below - quite straightforward, and the dataset ends up
on a non-SMS pack as expected.

//         DD DSN=WSC.PROD.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR             
//         DD DSN=IDMS.PROD.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR            
//SYSLST   DD SYSOUT=*                                  
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                  
//SYSDBOUT DD SYSOUT=*                                  
//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=D                                  
//OUTPUT   DD  DSN=MVS.CN6.AGENCY7,                     
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                 
//             UNIT=SYSDA,                              
//             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=110),                
//             SPACE=(CYL,(20,10),RLSE)                 

The question that I have is that once the dataset has been created under
1.7, looking at it under ISPF 3.4, it looks like this - notice the SMS
management class, etc:

Data Set Name . . . . :         MVS.CN6.AGENCY7


General Data                                    Current Allocation

        Management class . . :  **None**                Allocated
cylinders :     2             
        Storage class  . . . :  **None**                Allocated
extents . :     1             
        Volume serial . . . :   WSC003

        Device type . . . . :   3390

        Data class . . . . . :  **None**                Current
        Organization  . . . :   PS                      Used cylinders
. . :   2             
        Record format . . . :   FB                      Used extents  .
. . :   1             
        Record length . . . :   110

        Block size  . . . . :   27940

        1st extent cylinders:   2

        Secondary cylinders :   10

        Data set name type  :                           SMS Compressible
:       NO               

        Creation date . . . :   2008/03/26              Referenced date
. . :   2008/03/26         
  Expiration date . . :         ***None***

When he runs the same JCL on a 1.4 system, the output from ISPF 3.4
looks like this - notice, no SMS information:

Data Set Name  . . . :  MVS.CN6.AGENCY7                             

General Data                                    Current Allocation

        Volume serial . . . :   WSC001                Allocated
cylinders :     2     
        Device type . . . . :   3390                    Allocated
extents . :     1     
        Organization  . . . :   PS

        Record format . . . :   FB

        Record length . . . :   110

        Block size  . . . . :   27940                   Current
        1st extent cylinders:   2                       Used cylinders
. . :   2     
        Secondary cylinders :   10                      Used extents  .
. . :   1     

        Creation date . . . :   2008/03/25

        Referenced date . . :   2008/03/25

 Expiration date . . :  ***None***                                      

As a control test, I allocated the same dataset on the 1.7 system using
ISPF 3.2 and it showed up without the SMS lines in the ISPF output.

I tried unsuccessfully to find some documentation that would explain the
difference between the 1.4 and 1.7 system.  Any ideas as to why the
dataset allocated with the batch JCL would show up differently under 1.7
versus 1.4?



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