The weekly IBM announcement letters are out. One that caught my eye:
IBM System Services Runtime Environment for z/OS V1.1 From the description it looks like it might be a non-WebSphere version of Apache / Tomcat for z/OS. (Wouldn't that be a kick?) It's a no charge item, but requires z/OS 1.9. But I find the announcement kind of vague and "mushy". Can anybody describe this product more clearly? Kind regards, -Steve Comstock The Trainer's Friend, Inc. 303-393-8716 z/OS Application development made easier * Our classes include + How things work + Programming examples with realistic applications + Starter / skeleton code + Complete working programs + Useful utilities and subroutines + Tips and techniques ==> call or email to receive a free sample student handout <== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at