Good Day To All, My question is regarding the allocation of space on a given storage group which has 218 volumes. The job failed, due to a "IGD17279I 218 VOLUMES WERE REJECTED BECAUSE THEY DID NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT SPACE (041A041D)"
To resolve the problem I added 2 disks (3390-9) as a quick fix. I asked the user to correct the jcl so as to ask for a smaller primary and a larger secondary. He refuses to do so because in his opinion "the system will search for a volume that has that much free space in four "chunks" or less. If you ask for less space in the PRIMARY allocation, the system may choose a volume that has that much free space, but not enough to overflow into the SECONDARY allocation, if needed." I was not aware of the fact that the system allocates the space in chunks. Could anybody confirm this? Also, in the case of the allocation being done in 4 chunks, does the system allocate the dsn on the same volume or on other voumes within that particular storage group? In the case of not heeding my recommendation to reduce the primary allocation would there be another alternative that I could suggest besides putting the dsn to tape? Below is the user's code for the output dsn: //OUTERR DD DSN=DE01.DE0PS$02.XDS1.EXPAND.ERR(+1), DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), SPACE=(CYL,(2000,250),RLSE), DCB=(MODELDCB,RECFM=FB,LRECL=14126) Thanks for your comments and suggestions in advance. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at