<all previous parts of the thread snipped> Earlier in this thread there was a discussion about whether or not one was "safe" ALWAYS using ALL31(ON) or not.
I think part of the confusion has to do with the subject of this thread mentioning CICS. If you are talking about a CICS environment (and the LE run-time options specific to that), then it is true that for an ALL COBOL (any compiler) CICS environment, you ARE totally safe using ALL31(On). This is documented in the COBOL Migration guide at: It is in the COBOL Migration Guide. See: http://publibfp.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr/BOOKS/igy3mg40/ which states, (in part)< "ALL31(ON) is the recommended setting for COBOL applications. You can use ALL31(ON) if all of your VS COBOL II, IBM COBOL and Enterprise COBOL programs are AMODE 31, even if you are also running OS/VS COBOL programs in your CICS regions. (Load modules containing only OS/VS COBOL and assembler programs are AMODE 24 and are not affected by the setting of ALL31.) *** The confusion in this discussion may have to do with the fact that this does NOT say that ALL31(ON) is supported for non-COBOL 24-bit applications under CICS or COBOL or non-COBOL applications in a non-CICS environment. If anyone can find cases where a COBOL-only CICS environment has problems with ALL31(ON), this should be APARable - and IBM would certainly be interested in such. P.S. Concerning the reference to VS COBOL II and AMODE 31, CICS has always required the RES compiler option (pre-LE) and this always (in VS COBOL II) produced AMODE 31 code. (CICS also required RENT which also produced RMODE ANY code). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html