I must have missed the original thread, but wouldn't it be easier to do this 
with an ISPF skeleton?

Dave Salt

See the new SimpList(tm) rollover image at:

> Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 17:05:05 +0200
> Subject: Edit macro to support jcl set commands in instream inputs
> Dear all,
> As promised, below please find the rexx program. It was not fully tested,
> and need some enhancements ((like support for instream set commands that is
> easy to implement and will come soon). The atatched will help you use
> variables in the a jcl like this:
> //jobcard etc.
> //var1 jcllib order=my.pds
> //include unclude member=setup
> //step1 exec pgm=idcams
> //sysprint dd sysout=*
> //sysin dd *
> listcat ent(&hlq.data) all
> delete &hlq..data
> Listcat ent(&hlq..data) all
> /*
> Will be happpy to get feedbacks. Enjoy it.
> | Itschak Mugzach | Director | SecuriTeam Software |
> | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mob: +972 522 986404 | Skype: Itschak
> Mugzach | Web: www.Securiteam.co.il |
> /* MugiRexx */
> Signal set.Var
> Trace On
> Set.Doc:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> JCL SET Support for SYSIN
> Function: This program runs as an EDIT MACRO replacing the original
> SUB macro. It will substitute Variables in an "DD *" type
> datasets (Instream sysin) based on the JCL SET commands.
> Below are the main functions of the program:
>> checkpoint with save, change profile to nosave rec on.
>> Find and read the INCLUDE member pointed by JCCLIB.
>> Create a command table that holds the vars & values.
>> Ignores none sysin variables (Let interpeter dos it).
>> Mark the "DD *" data with labels.
>> Do the actual change.
>> Submit the job
>> Discard changes.
> NextRel.:> Support for Instream SET command
>> Ignore IEBUPDTE inputs
> Location: Your Clist (sysproc) concatanation.
> (c) SecuriTeam Software Ltd. 1999-2008
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Set.Var:
> Cindx = 1
> Csetup.0 = 1
> Csetup.1.Var = '..'
> Csetup.1.Val = '.'
> Lindx = 0
> LabelStr = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
> SIFlag = -1
> Set.MsgDir:
> SA0001E = "SA0001E no JCLLIB Definition found in"
> SA0002E = "SA0002E no INCLUDE Definition found in"
> SA0003I = "SA0003I variable name & value:"
> Set.Main:
> Address ISPEXEC
> "isredit macro"
> "ISREDIT Recovery On" /* Enable UNDO */
> "ISREDIT Nosave " /* Enable UNDO */
> "ISREDIT (qfdsn) = DATASET" /* get library name */
> "ISREDIT (qmemb) = MEMBER" /* get Member name */
> If (Qmemb <> 'QMEMB') Then Do /* meber of pds? */
> Qfdsn = qfdsn||'('||Qmemb||')' /* create full dsn */
> end
> "ISREDIT FIND 'JCLLIB' first" /* locate in jcl */
> If (Rc> 0) Then do /* not found? */
> say SA0001E qfdsn
> exit /* tell & exit */
> end /* of not found */
> "ISREDIT (TextLine) = LINE .ZCSR" /* Get Line number */
> Qvardsn = Substr(TextLine,Pos('ORDER=',TextLine)+6)
> "ISREDIT FIND 'INCLUDE' first" /* locate in jcl */
> If (Rc> 0) Then do /* Not found? */
> say SA0002E qfdsn
> exit /* Tell & Exit */
> end /* of RC>0 */
> "ISREDIT (TextLine) = LINE .ZCSR" /* Get text in line */
> Qvardsn = Strip(Qvardsn)||'('||, /* Build dsn of set */
> Strip(Substr(TextLine,Pos('MEMBER=',TextLine)+7))||')'
> ADDRESS TSO /* switch to tso */
> "Alloc f(QSETUP) da("||Qvardsn||") shr reuse"
> Qindx = 0
> Do While (Qindx < Qsetup.0)
> Qindx = Qindx + 1
> TextLine = Qsetup.Qindx
> If (Substr(TextLine,1,3) = '//*') Then Do
> Iterate
> end
> TextLine = Translate(textline,' ','=')
> Cindx = Cindx + 1
> Csetup.Cindx.Var = '&'||Word(Textline,3)
> Csetup.Cindx.Val = Word(Textline,4)
> /* say 'var=' Csetup.Cindx.Var
> Say 'Val=' Csetup.Cindx.Val */
> end
> Address ispexec /* switch back to member */
> "isredit (lastline) = LINENUM .zlast"
> Qindx = 0
> Do While (Qindx < LastLine)
> Qindx = Qindx + 1
> "ISREDIT (TextLine) = LINE " Qindx
> If (Substr(TextLine,1,1) = '/') Then do
> If (SIFlag> 0) Then Do
> "ISREDIT LABEL " Qindx-1 "=" ".E"||,
> Substr(LabelStr,LIndx,1)
> say ".E"||,
> Substr(LabelStr,LIndx,1)
> Say 'end label at line' Qindx-1
> SIFlag = -1
> Iterate
> end
> SIFlag = 0
> Iterate
> End
> If (SIFlag < 1) Then Do
> LIndx = LIndx + 1
> "ISREDIT LABEL " Qindx " = " ".S"||Substr(LabelStr,LIndx,1)
> Say 'start label at line' Qindx
> end
> SIFlag = SIFlag + 1
> End
> exit
> Cindx = 0
> Tindx = 0
> ChngCnt = 0
> Do while (Cindx < Csetup)
> Cindx = Cindx + 1
> CmdVar = Csetup.Cindx.Var
> CmdVal = Csetup.Cindx.Var
> Do while (Tindx < LIndx)
> Tindx = Tindx + 1
> SLabel = ".S"||Substr(LabStr,Tindx,1)
> ELabel = ".E"||Substr(LabStr,Tindx,1)
> "isredit change " CmdVar CmdVal " ALL " Slabel Elabel
> If (Rc = 0) then do
> ChngCnt = ChngCnt + 1
> End
> End
> End
> /* undo changes
> CIndx = 0
> Do While (Cindx < ChngCnt)
> Cindx = Cindx + 1
> End */
> Say "That All folks"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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