It probably goes back to when we had two separate data centers, 
with production in one and test & development in another. No one wants to 
tackle mergering them. 

 Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
CTO1 USNR-Retired (1969-1991)

----- Original Message ----
From: Rick Fochtman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 11:31:10 AM
Subject: Re: TPX and two RACF systems

We run a sysplex that has two separate RACF databases. One database 
supports our test and development systems (3 LPARS) and the other 
supports our production systems (2 LPARS). We run TPX only on one of the 
production systems.  The question  has come up about using TPX to keep 
the users password in sync on both RACF databases. Since the users don't 
always use the same set of applications on the test side, is there some 
other way for TPX use some sort of RACF interface on the test side? If 
not with TPX, can the two RACF systems talk to each other, so that if 
the password is changed on the production side, it propagates the 
password change to the test RACF system?

Possibly dumb question: why not merge the two databases into one?

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