Jim Mulder wrote:
  There is one incorrect thing in the APAR text - VSM development
(and as designer and developer for this change, that includes me) has *not* at this time decided to "restore the pre-release 1.10 behavior as the default to prevent impact to the unsuspecting program or user." The APAR will create a DIAGxx TRAPS NAME(NameToBeDetermined) which will be documented and, if specified, will cause VSM to revert to the pre-release 1.10 behavior, exactly the same way as the undocumented NUCLABEL ENABLE(IGVGPVTN) mentioned in the APAR description.

The lesson here is that, if a change has been observed to cause unexpected "surprise" wrong behaviors in some IBM components during testing, then similar problems should be expected after deployment. A documented fall-back "Chicken Switch" should be provided. I think the proposed, documented DIAG TRAP is a great way to go.

  The reason the change to GETMAIN Behavior in z/OS 1.10
is undocumented is that there is no documentation to change. GETMAIN in z/OS 1.10 continues to behave as documented. All previously documented rules of GETMAIN continue to apply to z/OS 1.10.

And, if IBM, ISV, and customer in-house developers would use IgvInitGetmain and IgvInitFreemain on their test/development systems--as we do--nobody would have experienced this issue to begin with. Of course, it's hard to fault someone for not using an undocumented feature. These TRAPs have been around since OS/390 V2R6. They work. Perhaps it's time they were documented, too!

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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