In the OLD days, we defined a virtual card reader to the JCL eating OS (I last did this on OS/VS1) then to a "spool pun to guest" and punch your JCL from CMS. If its a small shop, you can setup virtual printers (say matching your CMS id's) and have each of them spooled to the matching CMS id. OS print there comes to your CMS reader. Under OS/VS1, the JES sep routine issued diagnose to to the appropriate SPOOL command. It played well with RSCS, but on a small scale, I don't think RSCS would be needed.
I'm assuming this functionality would still work?

Vince Getgood wrote:
Hi all, and a happy and (un)eventful new year to you all.

One of our sysprogs has come to me with a question, and I think I know the answer, but wanted to check my thinking.

We use FTP to submit jobs to a z/OS guest from VM, but he would like to set up a mechanism that does not rely on TCP/IP being available.

It's been a loooong time since I did anything under VM, but I THINK we need to define a card reader to z/OS using HCD, then point to it in JES parms [RDR
(1) UNIT=xxxx), and then use that from VM.

How did I do?

Thanks in advance.

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