Has  PSF been accepted ?


>Thank you.
>I would like to leave in 1.8 LINKLIB, so i don't want to make a RESTORE.
>As they are FMID's  I get error if I specify in the SELECT, and I get an 
>error if I specify a FORFMID list.
>The SMP/ is complaining this FMID's are not in the GLOBAL zone.
>Pommier, Rex R. wrote:
>>Do you want to clean up the "stuff" you put into the 1.8 LINKLIB?  If
>>so, leave the DDDEFs alone and run a RESTORE command of PSF.  This will
>>remove PSF from the target libraries - including the 1.8 LINKLIB.  Then
>>update the DDDEF to point to the correct LINKLIB and run the APPLY again
>>- with no changes needed.  If you don't care that you have "stuff" in
>>the LINKLIB, you can just rerun the APPLY with a REDO parameter on it.
>>This will reapply the PSF code.  Using the REDO parameter you will also
>>have to specifically SELECT the appropriate sysmods.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:ibm-m...@bama.ua.edu] On
>>Behalf Of Miklos Szigetvari
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 11:32 AM
>>To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
>>Subject: How to APPLY FMID's again
>>All the PSF  related FMID's  are applied in a unique CSI  but the 
>>was pointed to the SYS1:LINKLIB of zOS 1.8 .
>>I would like to change the DDDEF for LINKLIB to another library (I can 
>>do this)
>> and  run the APPLY again  (till now  I was unable)
>Miklos Szigetvari

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