Richard Peurifoy wrote:
Shane wrote:
IBM provides an API to vendors to allow preemptible SRBs to be routed
to zIIPs, but remember that a zIIP is really the same as a CP. It is
capable of running any work. It is entirely possible to hook MVS in a
manner that will make a zIIP eligible to run any work. Whether it's
legal to do that is a matter for the courts. Whether it is ethical for
a vendor to do that should be obvious.

Which means of course that all vendors have thought about how it all
hangs together, and how it might be used sans API. See Brians post from
a few days back.
If they hadn't actually gone to the extent of cutting code, I bet they
have rectified that since the zPrime balloon went up.

IBM probably doesn't care if a vendor runs their own code on
zXXP's, that won't affect IBM's software charging, though it
may sell more zXXP engines, and less CP engines.

But they and other vendors probably do care if someone runs code
they had not intended to run on a zXXP. This would affect software

Ultimately, I wish they would just fix software cost so we could
afford it with out all these specialty engines. This just causes
extra code and development time to support them. It also makes it
harder to balance the system loads. If you don't have the right
mix of workload types, you have engines sitting idle.

I meant to add "while work is waiting", obviously if there is not
enough work engines may be idle.


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