On Fri, 6 Jul 2012 08:44:31 -0700, Skip Robinson <jo.skip.robin...@sce.com> 

>Delay cause seems to be crucial here. I haven't seen anyone comment on 
>what I consider to be OP's unusual configuration. If I understand the 
>original post, two out of three 'sysplex' members are parallel while the 
>other is not. If that's so, then two members have access to coupling 
>facility structures while the other has only CTC connections to the other 
>In reading over the paragraph above, I think I must have misunderstood. 
>Can you even run that way? We have several parallel sysplexes, one basic 
>(no CF) sysplex, and some monoplexes. They are and I think must be 
>entirely separate plexes.  I would have thought that any nonparallel 
>system in a complex must not attempt to share resources with an adjacent 
>parallel sysplex. If that's true, then this is a two-system problem; the 
>third system is irrelevant. 
>Or am I being na�ve? 

The sysplex is either parallel or not.  And all the members are part of that.
However, sysplex sharing of z/OS Unix file systems can be a subset of
the sysplex just like JES2, SMS, etc.   


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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