Hello All, If you want the definitive way to see every IBM Health Check for z/OS health check that has been put into the service stream, you'll need to use the SMP/E FIXCAT IBM.Function.HealthChecker. Of course, those that are introduced in a product's release will not have this FIXCAT, but it will tell you about the ones introduced (or associated with introductions) of a health check in the service stream.
Now, for the one at hand - ZOSMIGV1R13_ZFS_FILESYS - the one I think of as the most important health check if you are migrating to z/OS R13! Since this was a health check specifically written for z/OS migration (we know that because it starts with "ZOSMIG"), then you can look for more information about it in the z/OS Migration book. (The IBM Health Checker for z/OS User's Guide does contain all the information about z/OS checks, and it really should have mentioned which APAR it was introduced in, but I'll do an RCF for that and get it fixed.) The z/OS Migration book does contain the APAR number that introduced this check (OA35465). It also says that this APAR applies to z/OS R11 and R12 - making sense, since this is for a migration to z/OS R13. I did verify that the PTF for OA35465 (which was only one PTF since the zFS FMID is the same FMID for z/OS R11 and R12), has the FIXCAT for IBM.Function.HealthChecker as expected. Also, there was a defect APAR written against this check with APAR OA36514. That PTF also has the FIXCAT IBM.Function.HealthChecker as expected, since it is associated with a health check. So, using the REPORT MISSINGFIX for IBM.Function.HealthChecker will work fine here. Now, sometimes we happen to include migration health checks in the coexistence APARs for lower level releases. This makes sense to do when you think about it - the health check goes back to the same releases that have coexistence for the release you are migrating to, and the health check is applicable there too. With this is mind, do not be alarmed if a PTF has both a FIXCAT for the migration health check (IBM.Function.HealthChecker) *AND* for coexistence (IBM.Coexistence.z/OS.V1R13). When you do your REPORT MISSINGFIX for both these categories, you may be able to satisfy anything missing with a single PTF. I'm just adding this in, as some people may not know that a PTF can have multiple FIXCATs associated with it. This doesn't change anything I've already said above. I did just want to expand a little on Mark's sample SMP/E statements for using REPORT MISSINGFIX for verification of both coexistence and target system requirements...I suggest also adding IBM.Function.HealthChecker to that list, so that you can make sure when you have your coexistence PTFs installed on those lower level systems for migration, that you ALSO have the migration health checks installed in one fell swoop. Just a little time saver. -Marna WALLE z/OS System Install IBM Poughkeepsie ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN