>It there aren't enough blanks to compress out, will the line be extended,
possibly reallocating a buffer if necessary?  (I'm assuming RECFM=VB
for the SYSIN.

If there are not enough blanks, then the length of the line is extended.  If 
the application or utility passes in a large enough buffer, the full record is 
passed (with the correct length).  If not large enough, then an I/O error 
(buffer too small) is returned.  Application that read SPOOL using ACBs/RPLs 
(not really documented) are passed the actual length and they can come back in 
with a larger buffer and get the full record.  DCB interface is probably going 
to just fail.

>So the value of a very dynamic system symbol such as TIME could vary
from line to line within the same SYSIN?

Yes, that is true.  If you need it to be static, then set a JCL variable to the 
value and use that as variable in the instream data set.  You can now use 
system symbols in batch JCL.

More detail will be presented at the next SHARE so come to Boston and learn a 
lot more.

Tom Wasik
JES2 Development

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