On Fri, 8 Feb 2013 10:15:25 -0600, Tom Wasik wrote: > >The way the substitution works is it looks to compress blanks to the right of >the symbol. It will compress strings down to 1 characters trying to keep >characters in the same column that they are in. > Programmers most familiar with ISPF editor will welcome this behavior; those more familiar with POSIX here-documents may be less comfortable with it. But it's useful.
It there aren't enough blanks to compress out, will the line be extended, possibly reallocating a buffer if necessary? (I'm assuming RECFM=VB for the SYSIN. >The substitution happens "just in time" as the application is running to pick >up the latest JES symbols. JES symbols are dynamic as opposed to JCL symbols >that are static. > So the value of a very dynamic system symbol such as TIME could vary from line to line within the same SYSIN? >I did not mention PARMDD because it did not hit JES2 at all so there was >nothing to really talk about. > A short PDF on syntax with continuation conventions would yet be welcome. But I suppose the Reference will happen soon enough. So for BPXWDYN the programmer will have his choice of PARMDD or STDPARM. I wonder if it makes any difference? Thanks again, gil ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN