On Fri, 15 May 2020 12:04:42 -0500, Kirk Wolf wrote:

>On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 11:44 AM Seymour J Metz wrote:
>Which documentations describes the SH concatenation for other than
>> instream? Also, where in the documentation does it say that it inserts
>> whitespace after each record?
>You are right.  IBM doesn't really document what happens other than
>instream.   They do document how records are concatenated with a blank
>"For in-stream data sets: with the SH option, trailing blanks are not
>truncated. Records in in-stream data sets are concatenated with blanks as
>separator characters, and the string remaining after the SH token is passed
>as a single argument to a /bin/sh -c command. For the PGM option, the
>string is divided not only at line boundaries but also at blanks within a
>It's astounding that IBM implemented and partially documented STDPARM as an
>additional layer of suckage rather than just fixing BPXBATCH.    Look only
>at how many problems that people have on mvs-oe and ibm-main as your
But then it would compete with AOPBATCH which is part of a separately
priced offering.

Nowadays, customers have the alternative of PARMDD, with very
similar deficiencies.

>I wonder: can you open an RFE and attach a complete 1000 line C program? :-)
Is someone giving one away?  Who'd maintain it?

IBM's OCC is uncomfortable with that sort of thing, for both IP and
consequential damage concerns.  They were probably fastidious with

>> The treatment of semicolons is bog standard, but it wouldn't hurt to spell 
>> it out.
But then we couldn't have such entertaining discussions of it in these fora.

-- gil

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