My theory is that some time in the past almost all of the BookManager
books were removed from that URL. I could never find the Host Code Page
or 3270 Data Stream manuals in pdf form, so I bookmarked those 2 and
suffered through BookManager whenever I needed them.
Then maybe a year ago the Host Code Page manual was removed. Luckily, I
found that data somewhere else in the Knowledge Center. As I remember,
the 3270 Data Stream manual remained online, and for all I know was the
last manual at that old URL.
Then (theory) someone came along and decided to eliminate that URL
completely, possibly not knowing (if I'm right about this) that the 3720
manual has no alternative source and no pdf version.
On 9/28/2020 12:24 PM, Phil Smith III wrote:
Gil wrote:
IMHO, Bookie doesn't make the top ten. For example, how might I view
the document mentioned on my Raspberry Pi?
Well, that's pretty obvious: you run Bookie on z/OS under Hercules under Linux!
Trivial. write your own Lookie implementation. Also trivial.
So what are you complaining about?
Seriously, it's unthinkable what IBM has done to itself. My current theory is
that they're trying to generate clean power from the energy generated by TJW,
his son, and all the departed IBMers spinning in their graves.
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