I agree. It wasn’t me who said they were pathetic.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Sunday, October 11, 2020, 12:26 PM, R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> 

Patents are not pathetic. Other companies still make new patents. 
Including those like Microsoft and Google.
Patents are still valid and important even if some company have only few 
of them or cannot make any.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 11.10.2020 o 18:11, Bill Johnson pisze:
> So everything IBM says/does are lies and pathetic?The comedy here is worth 
> its weight in gold.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> On Sunday, October 11, 2020, 12:08 PM, David Crayford <dcrayf...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> IBM patents are mostly pathetic. They patent stuff like "how to create a
> railroad diagram using REXX . It's embarrassing! The likes of Google,
> Facebook and even the new Microsoft open source all of their code so
> everybody can use it for free. Software patents are nothing more then
> bargaining chips. Google doesn't care about who has access to their
> code. They give it away for free.
> On 2020-10-11 9:31 PM, Bill Johnson wrote:
>> IBM, as usual, almost always leads the US in patents. This year is no 
>> exception. Which indicates how intelligent their engineers are. IBM laid the 
>> groundwork for much of today’s IT.
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
>> On Sunday, October 11, 2020, 1:43 AM, zMan <zedgarhoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, big companies ARE using AWS, GCP, and Azure for critical information.
>> We deal with them every day.
>> And for the record, I'm hardly an IBM or mainframe basher. I just call out
>> BS when I see it, like that 1.3M/second. Which you have not responded to.
>> It was IBM who said they came up with that by taking their largest
>> customers and extrapolating. Using that methodology, every car is good for
>> 2M miles and gets 80MPG. Oh, and we're all billionaires. See how bad that
>> approach is?
>> Now, if the $6B is true, that's fascinating. It still doesn't explain why
>> the dozens of large mainframe shops we work with NEVER mention IBM when
>> they talk cloud. Maybe IBM has a few really big clients (.gov)? I don't
>> know.
>> Back to processing credit card transactions--again, processors don't use z.
>> (Well, I can think of a couple that do, but by and large, they don't.)
>> You're confusing processors, acquirers, issuers, and brands. Those are
>> different.
>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 2:27 PM Bill Johnson <
>> 00000047540adefe-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu> wrote:
>>> 6 billion in cloud revenue latest quarter. About half of AZURE. Looks
>>> bigger than 2% to me.
>>> https://cloudwars.co/cloud-wars-top-10-vendors-world/
>>> Read up.
>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
>>> On Saturday, October 10, 2020, 1:28 PM, zMan <zedgarhoo...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Bill, you can quote self-serving SHARE fodder all you like, but the fact
>>> remains: IBM cloud is a joke in the industry. Doesn't mean it couldn't
>>> become a player, but that's aspirational at best. That SHARE transaction
>>> quote is nonsense--do the math: 1.3M/sec=112,320,000,000 per day. 112
>>> BILLION. That's 16 transactions per day per person on the planet. Be
>>> serious. That number comes from IBM, was extrapolated by taking their
>>> largest five customers and multiplying by the number of z/OS systems out
>>> there. Lies, damned lies, and statistics and all that, eh?
>>> And plenty of real, serious, multi-billion-dollar companies use AWS, Azure,
>>> and even GCP.
>>> You work for a vendor; you have access to lots of industry knowledge from
>>> the real world, not SHARE or IBM marketing. Talk to your peers. Learn. The
>>> truth is out there.
>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 6:57 PM Bill Johnson <
>>> 00000047540adefe-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu> wrote:
>>>> I’ve studied them extensively. I’m an investor. So I really don’t need
>>> the
>>>> lecture but I understand that’s what the frequent posters here need to
>>> do.
>>>> Large enterprises aren’t building on AZURE & AWS. Lots of smaller
>>> companies
>>>> are. Because of the costs. AZURE & AWS are on the way to commoditization.
>>>> Because it’s easy to replicate. In fact, AZURE growth is beginning to
>>> slow.
>>>> Even with the government contract.
>>> https://venturebeat.com/2020/07/31/probeat-slowing-aws-microsoft-azure-and-google-cloud-revenue-growth-is-a-good-thing/amp/
>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
>>>> On Friday, October 9, 2020, 6:38 PM, Farley, Peter x23353 <
>>>> 0000031df298a9da-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu> wrote:
>>>> Don't believe whoever told you that about AWS.  There are real companies
>>>> building real enterprise-level applications on AWS today.
>>>> Peter
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf
>>>> Of Bill Johnson
>>>> Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 7:53 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: IBM splitting into two companies
>>>> 2 completely different markets. AZURE & AWS are consumer market clouds.
>>>> IBM is enterprise.
>>>> On Friday, October 9, 2020, 5:28 AM, zMan <zedgarhoo...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Actually, Bill, it's pretty clear that you didn't read the report. It's
>>> at
>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://kinsta.com/blog/cloud-market-share/__;!!Ebr-cpPeAnfNniQ8HSAI-g_K5b7VKg!bkn5Ica_-GSgVSVMQhoO-ZwjnqBMD632lXyTKAVvTtc_OWH8fyBG3CcIrbtSWqbpWZCJsA$
>>>> and lists the top 5 vendors, comprising more than half the market, and
>>> then
>>>> notes that the next ten players--of whom IBM is one--"account for another
>>>> 26% of the SaaS market".
>>>> So IBM has a couple of percent; as I said, that's a joke. Not a major
>>>> player.
>>>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 10:04 PM Bill Johnson <
>>>> 00000047540adefe-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Anyone who says IBM cloud is a joke isn’t well informed.
>>>>> Cloud Market Share – a Look at the Cloud Ecosystem in 2020
>>>>> |
>>>>> |
>>>>> |
>>>>> |  |    |
>>>>>        |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> |
>>>>> |  |
>>>>> Cloud Market Share – a Look at the Cloud Ecosystem in 2020
>>>>> Deep dive into the Cloud Market Share with tons of data and stats
>>>>> compared  to explain the different cloud services and identify the
>>>>> leading cloud  providers.
>>>>>      |  |
>>>>>      |
>>>>>      |
>>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
>>>>> On Thursday, October 8, 2020, 3:41 PM, zMan <zedgarhoo...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "IBM cloud" is a joke. When anyone talks about cloud, it's AWS, Azure,
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 12:24 PM Allan Staller <allan.stal...@hcl.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Classification: HCL Internal
>>>>>> Don't know anything about this directly, but It actually might help
>>>>>> the "traditional" portfolio by allowing more focus.
>>>>>> The cloud portion can benefit from reduced bureaucracy, so on the
>>>>> surface,
>>>>>> this is a win-win.
>>>>>> OTOH, how many cloud providers have been hacked to date. I recall
>>>>>> APPLE, AMAZON and I think one more.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
>>>>>> Behalf Of Dave Jousma
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 10:44 AM
>>>>>> Subject: IBM splitting into two companies
>>>>>> [CAUTION: This Email is from outside the Organization. Unless you
>>>>>> trust the sender, Don’t click links or open attachments as it may be
>>>>>> a Phishing email, which can steal your Information and compromise
>>>>>> your Computer.]
>>>>>> Anyone know any more about this?
>>>> --
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>>>> received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by
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>>>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>>>> send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
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>>> --
>>> zMan -- "I've got a mainframe and I'm not afraid to use it"


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