MXG Support for TPF:


Change 17.200  Support for IBM's TPF Operating System.

EXTPFxx        Forty datasets are created from the fifty or so records.

FORMATS        Some datasets are written at monitor initialization to

IMACTPF        map things, but the interval records are deaccumulated

TPFINTRV       and written as individual PDB datasets, and then TPFINTRV

TYPETPF        is invoked to summarize into PDB.TPFINTRV.  This support

VMACTPF        has been tested with data from one system, and TPFINTRV

VMXGINIT       intervals the SA/NX/SX/SU/SP/MD/MG/FV/FS/SC records.

VMXGTPFI       This is preliminary support, but TPFINTRV and its input

Aug  2, 1999   datasets have been tested extensively; there are still a

               number of questions and some variable names may change.

                  For over two years I have requested the DSECTS for the

                  TPF records; it took a vote of the TPF Users Group to

                  "convince" IBM it would be worthwhile to allow MXG to

                  support this high-speed transaction processing system.

                  Formerly know at the Airline Control Program, it can

                  drive 30,000 I/Os per second on an 8-engines CPC!

               The initial development of the VMACTPF code took 40 hours

               across four days to write about 4,000 lines of SAS code.

               Another 40 hours were required to add the roughly 400

               lines to deaccumulate and validate the PDB.TPFINTRV data.

   Thanks to Jack Opgenorth, Sabre, USA.

   Thanks to Linda Tallent, Sabre, USA.


Last Change:


Change 28.152  Support for zTPFC, TPF Continuous Monitoring has a few

EXTPFC92       fields added to existing datasets and two new datasets

EXTPFC98       added by this change


VMACTPFC          DDDDDD    DATASET   Description

Jul  2, 2010

Jul 21, 2010      TPFC92    TPFC92    LPAR UTILIZATION

                  TPFC98    TPFC98    DASD SERVICE TIME

   Thanks to Bob Wilcox, HP, USA.


Herbert W "Barry" Merrill, PHD


Merrill Consultants

MXG Software

10717 Cromwell Drive

Dallas, TX 75229 <> 

214 351 1966 <>  for business questions <>  for technical questions <>   


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