Hi Bill,
Are you just a troll, or, are you really that impolite/ignorant?

My Rexx patented program was reviewed by the US Patent office and I was required to defend it against 5 others. It took 9 calendar months from the start of application until granting of patent. There are reasons why IBM leads the world in patents, BUT, they still have to pass muster regardless.

What makes you think, nitwit, that programming 10,000 lines of COBOL (, which, BTW is freaking wordy beyond belief) is more mind bending than Rexx? If you would've coded 10,000 lines of PL/I, FORTRAN  or (especially) APL, that would've contained a lot more logic than your "essay" with all of the attendant COBOL nonsense.


On 2021-08-22 13:35, Bill Johnson wrote:
I seem to remember IBM listers poo pooing patents when I pointed out IBM leads 
the world in patents every year. Comparing a 40 line REXX/CLIST “program” to a 
10,000 line IMS/COBOL program that scans a parts database is an absolute joke. 
Patent or not.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 6:15 AM, David Spiegel <dspiegel...@hotmail.com> 

Hi Bill,
"... "Programming” in REXX, CLIST, and similar types of languages is
hardly programming. ..."

Maybe you should tell that to the US Patent Office in Washington, DC.
They can then invalidate my patent retroactively.

Please see:


On 2021-08-21 21:51, Bill Johnson wrote:
“Programming” in REXX, CLIST, and similar types of languages is hardly 
programming. Real programming is hundreds or thousands of lines of COBOL, with 
IMS, DB2, or CICS calls. I was pretty damn good too. Started off in COBOL/IMS 4 
decades ago. Did a little bit of COBOL/CICS and quite a bit of COBOL/DB2 later. 
Try putting together the necessary code to drill down a hierarchical database 
like IMS.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, August 21, 2021, 9:31 PM, Bob Bridges <robhbrid...@gmail.com> 

This part of the thread got me thinking.  How often do you write a program that 
works right the first time, with no compile or execution errors?  I'm not 
talking about two-liners, of course, or even ten-liners; let's say 30 or 
thereabouts.  Please specify the language, too, since it seems to me they vary 
in error-prone-ness.

I've done it occasionally, but by "occasionally" I mean "less than one time in 
twenty"; maybe much less, I'm not sure, and only once in my life when anyone was watching.  
That was in PL/C; mostly nowadays I write in REXX and VBA.

In fact my REXXes typically start out with at least ten or fifteen lines of boilerplate, 
and any VBA/Excel program likely relies on a raft of common functions and/or objects that 
are part of my regular library, so when I say "30 lines", some of those lines 
don't really count.

Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313

/* The schools of ancient morality had four cardinal virtues: justice in human 
relations, prudence in the directions of affairs, fortitude in bearing trouble 
or sorrow, temperance or self-restraint. But they knew nothing of mercy or 
forgiveness, which is not natural to the human heart. Forgiveness is an exotic, 
which Christ brought with Him from Heaven.  -F.B.Meyer */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of Tom 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 13:41

....one of my other supervisors/teachers would tell me about her application 
experience.  She said no matter how complex her COBOL programs were, they would 
not only compile first time but would run perfectly.  This of course was due to 
her rigorous desk-checking which I assume took days.

I remember thinking "that's crazy" but I just kept quiet.  I'll give her a 
break because that could have been at the time of card punching where such desk-checking 
made far more sense.

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