Joe: Are those eight books the only use of the term in IBM doc? Still
convincing-it's not like it's one isolated RedBook-but perhaps reflecting
that it was perhaps viewed as a mistake (or "Open MVS" was), but one that
was too hard to undo. Guessing we'll never know.


It is curious that "UNIX System Services" is even a term, given that "Open
MVS" and "OMVS" were already around and OMVS is more visible (e.g., you
don't define a "USS segment"). In the Olden Days, I suspect IBM would have
been more careful about such things. Deck chairs at this point.


Also note that those docs talk about "z/OS UNIX", which is yet another
slight variation on the theme! (Yes, probably UNIX System Services is a
subset of z/OS UNIX, but the point is, "USS" stuck.)



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