good point, and normally not inserted unless I know I've loaded new
content that I want to save and I use the last USB port on the front of
this tower to recharge my wireless ear pods :)
On 1/21/2022 9:31 AM, Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:
I'd suggest to remove the stick. And insert it only when doing backup.
Reason: cyber resiliency. Ransomware could destroy content of both
your primary HDD/SSD and backup device.
And it's worth to have two (or more) devices. And round robin.
I did it.
My backup space is IMHO huge - approx. 70GB. So I use regular HDD in
external case, USB attached.
However incremental backup takes approx. 4-5 minutes. Yes, I have a
lot of pictures, PDFs, etc. But I do not modify majority of these
pictures. The most of time spent for backup is checking directiories
against content change. (Of course it's scripted).
/I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to
succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand
with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right,
and part with him when he goes wrong. *Abraham Lincoln*/
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