The IBM guidelines for protecting PARMLIB in the RACF Security Administrator's 
Guide indicate that default access of READ is acceptable; however, they qualify 
this as follows: "UACC should be NONE if any members contain passwords, or 
other sensitive  information, such as the ACBPW password in the TSOKEYxx 
member." How often does someone review PARMLIB looking for passwords and the 
like? Most likely never. If you lock it down, there are no worries you've 
missed something.

Whereas most of the configuration information in PARMLIB is in storage for 
anyone to view (e.g., current list of APF libraries), there are a few things in 
fetch-protected storage that require authorization to see, one being the PPT. 
READ access to PARMLIB would let me see what additions and modifications an 
installation has made to the PPT, in particular whether Bypass Password 
Protection or a System Key have been assigned to any program that could be 
exploited. This is a reason for also protecting RACF's DSMON program ICHDSM00 
as it provides PPT information.

I tend to agree with those advocating for least necessary privilege. If access 
isn't explicitly needed, don't provide it, or at least monitor activity to 
discover who is checking you out. Why make it easy for someone to probe your 
system undetected.

The STIG and the RACF SAG should both be amended to indicate the PARMLIB 
concatenation, not just SYS1.PARMLIB.

Regards, Bob

Robert S. Hansel                    35 years of RACF Experience
Lead RACF Specialist             2021 #IBMChampion
RSH Consulting, Inc.

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