Another thing that makes me incredibly dubious about some of the opinions in these videos is the hackneyed nonsense about "goto considered harmful". The original paper was misunderstood in that all goto statements are harmful and brainwashed a generation. Some of these videos present a trivial example using goto and refactor it using if/ifelse. In programming languages without scope based cleanup goto is not harmful. In fact it's leads to clean code as the branch direction is always descending to a cleanup block. Happily for me, the young guys I work with writing systems level Metal/C code haven't been seduced by this dogmatic BS.  Good C code uses goto statements as opposed to heavily nested or superfluously functionally decomposed routines. The IBM Openj9 JVM C code is a case in point I challenge anybody to write better code without goto statements.

On 20/09/2022 5:46 pm, Peter Sylvester wrote:

49 years ago I 'stumbled' over Simula 67 (see video 1), well, at the university "informatik 1" course. I had gotten an Algol60 book given to me by my math teacher 2 years earlier. The student a year older learned PL/1. WE had an /168 and the Simula 67 system from the NCC (you can find it on the CBTTAPE, the turnkey system and elsewhere.

To assembler: On error, you got a nicely formatted storage dump of objects. One motivation

After two years and the first graduation (Vordiplom) with punched cards etc (but using the MFT like a PC), a got a job at at  the CS research center GMD:  MVS, TSO SPF, another universe. It would take to much here to explain all the reason why I did a lot of assembler (because of this I was able to work in an internship at the swiss Colony Computing Center), but I always more than mildly disliked aka hated the non structured way of assembled. My work was to write a fast program to create microfiches (block letters, index pages). The result were a set of structured programming macros (also on the cbttape).

Later  with UCLA/Mail, the formatting of "objects" on traces, dumps. and stack of function. Just read the "assembler" code (CBTTAPE).

Anyway, here some nice videos.

actually, why is smalltalk so close to objective C. Because of a Byte Magazine cover page.

Some are provocative. There are many others. I really like "going virtually" to these conferences.

Sorry for this side track

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