I can work without goto for a long time, until suddenly I need it, usually when coding some kind of error logic. Then I'll have to either duplicate code or scoot a section into its own subroutine for no other reason than the lack of a goto. But yeah, it can be confusing later if used when not necessary. Maybe I should put a piggy bank on my desk and force myself to put $20 in each time I use it.

On 9/25/2022 4:51 AM, David Crayford wrote:
Another thing that makes me incredibly dubious about some of the opinions in these videos is the hackneyed nonsense about "goto considered harmful". The original paper was misunderstood in that all goto statements are harmful and brainwashed a generation. Some of these videos present a trivial example using goto and refactor it using if/ifelse. In programming languages without scope based cleanup goto is not harmful. In fact it's leads to clean code as the branch direction is always descending to a cleanup block. Happily for me, the young guys I work with writing systems level Metal/C code haven't been seduced by this dogmatic BS.  Good C code uses goto statements as opposed to heavily nested or superfluously functionally decomposed routines. The IBM Openj9 JVM C code is a case in point https://github.com/eclipse-openj9/openj9/blob/master/runtime/vm/classsupport.c. I challenge anybody to write better code without goto statements.

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