According to Linus you’ve been brainwashed by using a garbage language

> On 26 Sep 2022, at 1:43 am, Bernd Oppolzer <> wrote:
> I try to be not dogmatic about GOTO statements,
> in fact, I am coding COBOL in my money (everyday) job, and there are lots of 
> GO TOs around;
> I try to remove them, when I do larger refactoring, but if not, I leave them 
> untouched.
> But now for another GOTO story.
> When I started my Stanford Pascal compiler adventure in 2011, the first 
> compiler pass (PASCAL1)
> had around 50 GOTO statements in it (in fact: 50 numeric labels which are 
> targets of GOTOs in Pascal;
> in Pascal, BTW, GOTOs are allowed, but they are sort of uncomfortable;
> you need a label declaration for them, not only the GOTO statement and the 
> target label -
> because the label is local to a block, the label number may be reused in 
> different blocks).
> The Stanford compiler, as many other Pascal compilers, is self-hosted,
> that means, it is written in Stanford Pascal and compiled by itself.
> The Stanford Pascal compiler pass 1 had 6.000 lines in 2011 ... with the 50 
> labels mentioned above
> (well, this was the 1982 McGill version, to be honest).
> One of my first extensions to Stanford Pascal was to add CONTINUE, BREAK and 
> RETURN statements
> to it (semantics like in C). It turned out that almost all GOTOs were used to 
> implement the missing
> statements CONTINUE, BREAK and RETURN using GOTOs. I then started (after some 
> time)
> to remove the GOTOs by replacing them by the new statements, where this was 
> possible
> without problems.
> Today the compiler pass 1 has almost 25.000 lines. It only contains 7 GOTO 
> statemens (I just checked it).
> Because, see above, I am not dogmatic about GOTO, I will leave them, as long 
> as there is no need
> to work on the procedures containing them.
> The compiler story (including downloads) is here: 
> IMO, GOTOs (and the statements mentioned above) must be used with care.
> If you don't use them right, nobody will be able to follow the logic in your 
> programs,
> including yourself (after some time). Indentation is key, and meaningful 
> comments.
> Kind regards
> Bernd
>> Am 25.09.2022 um 13:51 schrieb David Crayford:
>> Another thing that makes me incredibly dubious about some of the opinions in 
>> these videos is the hackneyed nonsense about "goto considered harmful". The 
>> original paper was misunderstood in that all goto statements are harmful and 
>> brainwashed a generation. Some of these videos present a trivial example 
>> using goto and refactor it using if/ifelse. In programming languages without 
>> scope based cleanup goto is not harmful. In fact it's leads to clean code as 
>> the branch direction is always descending to a cleanup block. Happily for 
>> me, the young guys I work with writing systems level Metal/C code haven't 
>> been seduced by this dogmatic BS.  Good C code uses goto statements as 
>> opposed to heavily nested or superfluously functionally decomposed routines. 
>> The IBM Openj9 JVM C code is a case in point 
>>  I challenge anybody to write better code without goto statements.
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