> Yeah, this all makes sense. Basically, the idea of APPLY is to build the LMOD 
> with everything that's been ACCEPTed or previously APPLYed to it.
SMP/E has enough information to reconstruct it from scratch if needed, but will 
save itself the work of rebuilding the LMOD from the MODs if it doesn't have to 
do it.

> You mention that the MODs are applied from PTFs; I assume that APARs are also 
> reapplied if not SUPd (which they would be required to be if the PTF you're 
> working with would clobber them).

Yes, FUNCTIONs, PTFs, APARs, USERMODs, whatever SYSMOD last replaced a MOD (the 
MOD's RMID) can be used to obtain a usable copy of that MOD from the SMPPTS.

> Does the same processing apply to RESTORE? Or does it always build from 
> scratch?

RESTORE does behave the same as APPLY in this respect.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |  ku...@us.ibm.com

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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