No one's going to like this answer, but for mainframe file transfers I do just 
fine with plain Windows-included FTP.  Granted I use it mostly for transferring 
code - data only occasionally and that over VPN.

For ordinary purposes I use MyFTP.txt to hold the commands; it's easy to modify 
and to store temporarily unneeded GETs and PUTs below the QUIT command, like 

  put talias.rexmvs CLIST(ALIAS)
  get GEN.JCL(TALIAS) "..\otherfolder\TALIAS.txt"
  get spufi.out Auths DBAG.txt

If I need to handle a lot of files, I can always generate a long set of GET or 
PUT commands programmatically.

I execute using a .bat file that assumes the target IP and my user ID, asks for 
my password, creates a full -s command file, then deletes it all after the 
session so my password doesn't stay out there:

@echo off
set myaid=<user ID>
set mycmd=MyFTP.txt
set mytmp=MyFTP1.txt
echo open nnn.nn.nnn.nn>%mytmp%
echo %myaid%>>%mytmp%

set /p MyPsw=Enter password for %myaid%:
echo %mypsw%>>%mytmp%
set mypsw=

type %mycmd%>>%mytmp%
echo quit>>%mytmp%
ftp -s:%mytmp%
del %mytmp%
set myaid=
set mycmd=
set mytmp=

Bob Bridges,, cell 336 382-7313

/* Never do today what you can do tomorrow. Something may occur to make you 
regret your premature action.  -Aaron Burr */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Steve Estle
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 17:07

I work in a secure government environment and moving files up and down from the 
mainframe (especially traditional ZOS datasets) is a 'xxxx' pita with Winscp 
and everything I read (including IBMMAIN archives) is that tool is just plain 
dumb when it comes to datasets with standard ZOS HLQ's.  I'm trying to do a 
non-scientific poll - what is the preferred FTP client to run on Windows 
platform out there everyone is using that you are happy with and can easily 
navigate to either traditional ZOS HLQ dataset or Unix System Services files.  
Of course freeware is preferred if user friendly.    

I know there is Filezilla but not sure it is much better than Winscp?

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