Thanks for the MOVEit Freely suggestion, but it doesn't actually work in 
passive mode with our z/OS communications server.

MOVEit Freely is sending command PASV. The server returns:

227 Entering Passive Mode (128,212,110,33,238,85)

Which results in a MOVEit error: Invalid response to PASV.

However, FileZilla is issuing the same PASV command, and getting back a similar 

227 Entering Passive Mode (128,212,110,33,238,127)

Which FileZilla accepts.

So I still maintain that there are NO free command line FTP clients for 
Windows* that support passive mode AND work with the MVS file system. PROVE ME 
WRONG, I beg you.

* installing the Linux subsystem is cheating!

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Charles Mills
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Preferred FTP Client for Windows

Au contraire:

There is no need for any client to have any special cognizance of the file 
system at the server end. I am sure whoever wrote the Windows command line FTP 
had zero knowledge of z/OS data sets, but it works just fine, as @Bob Bridges 

And yes, I have used the above product extensively with MVS files.


On Wed, 26 Jul 2023 22:32:41 +0000, Schmitt, Michael <> 

>FileZilla for GUI. Windows built-in FTP for command line, but...
>There are NO (free) command line FTP clients for Windows that support passive 
>mode AND work with the MVS file system. Zilch. Nada. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

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