Yes indeed.
I like to use the asterisk in column one to comment the spirit of what I am 
attempting to do.
I use the short inline right sided comments to offer brief parm descriptions.



From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of Sri 
Hari Kolusu
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Line comments in DFSORT

>> And, using the example provided, we are able to add a comment to the first 
>> two lines but not the last line, since it does not have a hyphen? Cameron, 
>> That is true. But if you want you can add as many comment lines you want 
>> using *

>> And, using the example provided, we are able to add a comment to the first 
>> two lines but not the last line, since it does not have a hyphen?


That is true. But if you want you can add as many comment lines you want using 
* in column 1.


* Enter ICETOOL operators here

* My comment line - 1

* My comment line - 2

* My comment line - 3

* My comment line - 4





DFSORT Development

IBM Corporation


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