> The command char is registered with the subsystem definition - I suspect (but 
> don't know) that when you look at the OPDATA between the 2 systems (run the 
> command on each ) you will see a difference.
> Why Route gets involved is each system is processing the command according to 
> what is defined on the system that the command executes on. More than that I 
> don't know

The way I remember it:
For each command typed in, first of all an IEEsomething module gets control 
whose function it is to determine who should be notified to actually attach the 
command processor for that specific command. That IEEsomething would know to 
attach the VARY ucb command processor in master address space, for instance, or 
the control commands in console address space or wake up the address space that 
is addressed by a modify command. It has a list of known (system) commands. 
If the first thing in the typed-in string is what is recognized as a command 
prefix, IEEsomething would know to address the address space that established 
the command prefix.

Now, a ROUTE command is one of many system commands known to IEEsomething. 
IIRC, it gets attached in console address space and all it does is send over 
the command string (minus the ROUTE systemname) to the system addressed in that 
command string. On the target system, there is also an IEEsomething runnning. 
It gets the command and does the same deliberation (whom to send it to), just 
on the other system.

What I am fuzzy about is what happens when a command prefix is established 
(like in the DB2 case) but the actual DB2 system to execute it is down. I 
thought there would be an error message that the command cannot get executed. 
On the other hand, I was told that ERLY code can only be established via an 
IPL, NOT afterwards. The DB2 admins in my last installation were adamant about 
that. Has that changed?

Barbara Nitz

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