You didn't mention whether your tape drives are real or virtual.  If
they are real, asking the Operators might get you close.  Jobs that run
a long time and tie up a large number of phsycial drives tend to annoy
and get noticed by Operators.  They might even notice jobs using a large
number of virtual drives for a long time if that causes
drive-availability issues for other jobs.

Unless you have local standards that require a "UNIT=TAPE" to be on the
first record of a SORTWKnn DD statement, scanning JCL would require some
logic beyond just searching for character strings.  Not a full JCL
parse, but enough to only note when "UNIT=TAPE is in the first record or
a continuation record for a SORTWKnn DD statement.

Perhaps PDS 8.6 was the CBT PDS search tool that was being remembered.
I think "find" is one of its many functions, but I don't remember if it
has the smarts to look for two strings that might be close together but
on different records.

Syncsort MAXSORT is a "new" feature only in comparison to very ancient
usage of tape SORTWK. MAXSORT has been around for at least 15 years,
maybe longer.
    Joel C Ewing

On 09/03/2013 01:29 PM, Roger Steyn wrote:
> Yes . That would work fine in the case of scheduled jobs . But in our 
> shop,there is one more challenge that we have a lot of Auto-sched jobs (jobs 
> that are trigerred externally from an MQ server ).  And i do not know how 
> many of them use tape sorting . This makes the task more difficult .
> ________________________________
>  From: Paul Gilmartin <>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 8:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Syncsort v1.4 doesn't support Tape sorting - Need help !
> On Tue, 3 Sep 2013 09:34:26 -0500, Eric Bielefeld wrote:
>> Can't you use a program that will read the members of a pds and search for
>> UNIT=TAPE  on  SORTWKnn DD statements?  You should be able to search all of
>> your production libraries fairly quickly to identify all of the jobs.
>> Hopefully you have standards so that production is all in a small set of
>> libraries.  I know there is a program on the CBT tape that allows you to do
>> that.  Since I've retired, I forgot what it was.
> SuperC?  (not available from CBT.)
> -- gil

Joel C. Ewing,    Bentonville, AR 

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