The two-persons-required scheme has its uses.  Final authority must,
however, be lodged somewhere; and these schemes almost always come
with overrides.

The parcel of land on the East River in Manhattan on which the UN
built its Headquarters was donated by John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; and a
picture of the check he used to pay for it appeared in the New York
Times.  It bears two signature lines, both labeled 'attorney' as in
'power of attorney', but only one signature, that of John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., himself.

Principals often exempt themselves from the restrictions they impose
upon their hirelings, on the sound principle that they are and should
be free to steal from themselves.

New locks on the barn door, installed ostentatiously after the
discovery that the horses are missing, need to be understood for what
they are: They are gestural, not substantive.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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