One of my favorite things to look at for this situation is 

1) Put the warning message lower for $HASP050
2) Look at your settings for ESTPAGE, ESTLINE, ESTBYTE
3) Put some automation in place (emails or alerts)
     a) Automation of the $P command to purge data based on AGE
4) Use SDSF to see if Purging is being done
5) In SDSF turn off any filtering, Use the ST command and SORT on QUEUE.
Then find MASCOMM (MASC works) and scroll back one page.
        If there are jobs that have HOLD just above MASCOMM then you have
users issuing a HOLD against running jobs.  They never purge until they are

Just a few thoughts.  You should not need exits.  JES2 has lots of
controlling functions.  You can have JES2 abend a job producing too much
output with a S722.  Be careful you do not hurt production.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of baby eklavya
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 4:11 PM
Subject: Issue with JES SPOOL

Hello everyone ,

Is there a different way to come out of the below situation other than a
cold start of JES2


Recently , we ended up in a situation where nobody could logon to the system
, and when tried to purge the jobs from console ,it didnt work either . We
are currently tuning the JESPARMS and setting up exits to avoid such issues
in future . But i was wondering if there was anything else we could have
done when the issue really happened .

Unfortunately , we didnt have spare spool volumes to start and i felt that
JES2 was not accepting any commands at that point of time . Any thoughts ??

Thanks in Advance ,

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