Think CBT File 542 RCNVTCAT will do most of the heavy lifting here.
The doc(attached) says tested thru V1.13

In a message dated 10/08/13 12:44:01 Central Daylight Time, 
Also, new support enables you to preserve user catalog connector alias 
entries when you temporarily delete a user catalog so they need not be 
redefined when the catalog is reallocated, and prevent new catalog 
entries using those aliases from being defined until the new catalog is 
available. This is intended to simplify the reallocation of user catalogs

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//***FILE 542 is from Alastair Gray and contains some handy tools   *   FILE 542
//*           (so far), which are described below.  One is a REXX   *   FILE 542
//*           which is an MCNVTCAT replacement, and the other is    *   FILE 542
//*           a tool to find all the catalog alias names in the     *   FILE 542
//*           system.  There's some more too...                     *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      The overview for this PDS                                  *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      Here are a number of bits of handy REXX code, the list     *   FILE 542
//*      may well grow as I tidy up some of my REXX library.        *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      There are some of samples of using the DFSMS/MVS           *   FILE 542
//*      Catalog Search Interface (CSI). More detail can be         *   FILE 542
//*      found in :                                                 *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      DFSMS/MVS - Managing Catalogs - Document Number            *   FILE 542
//*      SC26-4914 Appendix D "Catalog Search Interface User's      *   FILE 542
//*      Guide"                                                     *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      The original code was derived from the IBM provided        *   FILE 542
//*      sample in 'SYS1.SAMPLIB(IGGCSIRX)' but has been heavily    *   FILE 542
//*      modified (including correcting the bugs in that code).     *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      Hopefully it is now correct and should work as             *   FILE 542
//*      intended.  However as usual, no guarantee is implied.      *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      All code is designed for either foreground or background   *   FILE 542
//*      execution.                                                 *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      The pieces are as follows :                                *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      #DELDUP  - Edit macro to delete duplicate lines            *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      #DELNDUP - Edit macro to delete non-duplicate lines        *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      ALICOUNT - This simply finds all of the aliases in the     *   FILE 542
//*                 system and gives a count of datasets that       *   FILE 542
//*                 are using them.  Handy for finding all those    *   FILE 542
//*                 redundant aliases cluttering up your            *   FILE 542
//*                 mastercat.                                      *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      ALIMAKE  - So you have just disconnected a usercat and     *   FILE 542
//*                 lost all the alises ... Reconnect the catalog   *   FILE 542
//*                 and then run this to get a DEF ALIAS for all    *   FILE 542
//*                 the 'suitable' HLQs in the catalog.             *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      BODGECAT - A sample workaround for a LISTDS on an          *   FILE 542
//*                 uncataloged dsn.                                *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      CSICODE  - Base CSI code, setup to be modified for other   *   FILE 542
//*                 functions. As provided, it simply lists ALL     *   FILE 542
//*                 entries.                                        *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      CSICODEO - Pre-munge version taken before the fullword     *   FILE 542
//*                 code was added for anyone who is running old.   *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      CSICODEV - Generates a LISTCAT like output for a VSAM file.*   FILE 542
//*                 Contains most of the CSI VSAM fields.           *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      CSITAPES - Stripped down version of above code to simply   *   FILE 542
//*                 list all tape based datasets in the catalogs.   *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      DDSCAN   - Search a selected DD in JCL for a particular    *   FILE 542
//*                 member.                                         *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      HFSSTAT  - Provide statistics for HFS files prior to the   *   FILE 542
//*                 DSNINFO ISPF service provided at OS/390 V2R10.  *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      RCNVTCAT - A replacement for MCNVTCAT.                     *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*                 This should allow those who are unhappy with    *   FILE 542
//*                 IBMs removal of MCNVTCAT support to feel        *   FILE 542
//*                 'safe'.  It is faster than MCNVTCAT and         *   FILE 542
//*                 (hopefully) provides directly compatible        *   FILE 542
//*                 output.  (Just in case 'anyone' has rolled      *   FILE 542
//*                 their own code to use the MCNVTCAT output).     *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*                 Also generates RECATALOG statements for PAGE    *   FILE 542
//*                 and SYS1.** clusters.                           *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*                 Also can be used to compare two catalogs.       *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*                 Bug fixed at z/OS 1.13 level - Sept 2012.       *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      RDA      - An SDSF DA 'replacement' displays various       *   FILE 542
//*                 fields that you would normally see in the SDSF  *   FILE 542
//*                 DA display.                                     *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      RINIT    - An SDSF INIT 'replacement' displays various     *   FILE 542
//*                 fields that you would normally see in the SDSF  *   FILE 542
//*                 INIT display.                                   *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      SPACE    - Displays SMS pools and allow drill down to      *   FILE 542
//*                 volume/dataset level. Has various extras        *   FILE 542
//*                 including displaying the catalog status of all  *   FILE 542
//*                 datasets on a volume.                           *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      SPACENEW - SPACE command enhanced for EAV.                 *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      SYSINF   - Another system information REXX.                *   FILE 542
//*                 There are others, some are worse and some are   *   FILE 542
//*                 better - this is mine :-)                       *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      TABLSTAT - Want to know when all those tables/profile      *   FILE 542
//*                 members in a PDS were created/updated? Well     *   FILE 542
//*                 this will add normal PDS stats to all of the    *   FILE 542
//*                 members matching the detail inside the table/s. *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      I have also added MAKEINDX in case anyone is wondering     *   FILE 542
//*      what the point of the strange comments in everything       *   FILE 542
//*      are (and where the $$$INDEX came from).                    *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      Have fun and I hope these help someone.                    *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*      Cheers - Alastair Gray (Consultant Systems Type)           *   FILE 542
//*               Lausanne, Switzerland 22nd November,2002          *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542
//*          emails:                   *   FILE 542
//*                               *   FILE 542
//*                                                                 *   FILE 542

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