On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:57:31 +0100, R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:

>Well, AIM3 (and AIM at all) was introduced in OS/390 2.10 AFAIR, approx 
>13 years ago.
>It's much more time, than BPX.UNIQUE.USER - it was new feature in z/OS 
>1.11 and have-to-be-done in 1.13. Big difference.

Yes,  I recall trying to get my client to go to AIM 3 sometime around 2003,
but it had the same restriction then with shared UIDs and they didn't want
to do the remediation.  

>BTW: IMHO *both* changes (AIM and UNIQUE.USER) are relatively simple to 
>perform, but that's another story.

Yes, assuming you don't have the remediation issue my client has.  I haven't
looked at the doc in a while, but I think the AIM migration suggests IPLs 
certain steps or there could be problems with the unix mapping.  That will be a 
big problem for my client and defeats the purpose of 24 x 7 parallel sysplex
application availability since the RACF DB is a single shared resource.   

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS  
ITIL v3 Foundation Certified                                     
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