
First a caveat:  I'm a z/OS bigot from the get-go.  I much prefer z/OS to *nix 
but I supported both HP-UX and AIX at a previous position alongside my z/OS 
work.  I have no experience with Sun's flavor and precious little with Linux so 
I can't comment on them.  I need to take a couple exceptions to your comments.  

1.  Disk full - HP-UX with online JFS gave me the ability to dynamically add 
disk to volume groups and filesystems dynamically back around the 2001 
timeframe.  Yes, online JFS was a separately priced option, but the ability 
was/is there.  Same with AIX (AFAIK built in, no add-ons), I was dynamically 
adding disk to filesystems.  I will concede that applications often did funky 
things when a filesystem got full, but the problem could be fixed without an 

2.  CPU busy - The HP boxes I was working with had hard partitions.  I had to 
shut down partitions to move CPUs form one to another (in chunks of 4 CPUs and 
their associated memory).  IBM p-series on the other hand, where I was running 
machines with multiple LPARs and if the hardware was configured correctly (with 
ranges of memory and CPUs defined to the LPARs) I could dynamically add/remove 
CPUs and memory from the LPARs without any kind of outage.  If I had to take 
memory away from an LPAR to give to another one, the LPAR losing the memory 
would page migrate it's data to other memory or out to disk and tell me when it 
was done so I could go add it to the other LPAR.  

That being said, I still maintain that it is no accident that Unix and LSD were 
both developed at the same university at the same time (probably by the same 
people...just kidding on this last part.)


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Jon Perryman
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 1:50 PM
Subject: z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers

We know Gilmartin considers UNIX elegant so he is a lost cause but it's sad 
that he's bringing others to the dark side. He often gives UNIX examples that 
he feels are at the forefront of technology when in reality there are z/OS 
solutions that work as well or even better. Case in point is the CP  command to 
merge files. A simple exec to alloc the files and merge them can easily be 
created. How often do you merge files?  If anyone considered this a 
requirement, they would have created the solution in less than a minute.  So a 
newbie knows intuitively that CP is copy and help is -?.

z/OS certainly has it's problems and we are willing to admit it. z/OS may have 
a petina but UNIX / Linux has been rusting over time and some don't even 
recognize those problems. E.g. The CLOUD came into existence because UNIX was 
not able to solve basic problems so it came up with a way hide them. Instead of 
solving major limitations, it simply redefines them as non-problems. I am 
actually an advocate for both operating systems but I realize they both have 
their limitations. As for showing that z/OS is not as bad as some would make it 
out, here are some of the issues the cloud has addressed but not truly resolved:

1. Disk full: 
* Cloud: Some disk manufacturers have implementations that work well but they 
exist more as NFS than as a local filesystem and they are still not in heavy 
use. Other implementations simply use Unix filesystems but they require more 
disk space than is needed.
* UNIX: Applications often do bizarre things with disk full. Admin's usually 
find out there is a problem from user reporting the problem. Adding a disk 
immediately won't solve the problem because the file system must be copied. 
Adding a mountpoint doesn't help. Admin must search / delete files to free 
space. Increasing the file system size requires the sceduling of down time 
(it's not just adding space). 

* z/OS: Applications will die but we can have automation to add disks to a 
storage group in a  matter of seconds. We can easily steal disks from our test 
systems in an emergency where we don't have sufficient extra's.  We have HSM to 
migrate seldom used files to tape. Admins can change the migration interval.

2. CPU busy.
* Cloud: There are a few implementations to spread workload (e.g. SOA). They 
all are the same basic principle but with different standards. They all 
basically send a request and wait for a response. It still exists within the 
restrictions of UNIX.

* UNIX: Can't dynamically add a cpu without reboot. Loosely coupled. Can't 
offload workload without purpose built applications (E.g. Peoplesoft and SAP). 

* z/OS: We have WLM to prioritize workload. CPU's can be dynamically added (IBM 
often has spares in the box that can be quickly purchased). Our systems are 
tightly coupled thru sysplex. IMS, CICS, TSO and batch can easily be spread on 
any / all systems within the sysplex.

3. Networking:
* Cloud: Same as UNIX.

* UNIX: TCP/IP was not publicly available until the 70's. Prior to that, simple 
communications were available.

 * z/OS: SNA existed long before TCP/IP was available. SNA was a robust, 
reliable and secure communications methodology. Once TCP was became available, 
we had the same situation as Betamax versus VHS. TCP won.

4. Data recovery:
* Cloud: Cross your fingers and hope that your cloud provider is taking 
sufficient precautions.

* UNIX: Backup and recovery utilities exist but an admin is often required to 
perform recovery. In addition, recovery is often an interactive process (start 
request / mount tape then repeat).

* z/OS: HSM, DSM, FDR and other products exist. HSM allows user's to issue 
multiple HRECOVER commands which are queued to the server and you wait for 
notification of completion. It's been too long for me to remember the other 
products but I suspect they work as well.

I could list more if necessary but that would be a waste of time. z/OS 
improvements often go unnoticed. They are often embedded and transparent to 
most users of the system. Granted that IBM does detrimental actions that 
overshadow the advantages of z/OS. I too think their user base would increase 
if they weren't so restrictive. This dinosaur hasn't died yet and probably 
won't in the near future.

Jon Perryman. 

> From: Dana Mitchell <>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 7:01 AM
>Subject: Re: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
>On Tue, 5 Nov 2013 08:13:14 -0600, Paul Gilmartin <> wrote:
>>It's far less encrusted with the patina of antiquity.  Much of OS/360
>>made sense in the resource-constrained batch environment in which
>>it originated.  Nowadays, its residue is a requirement for compatibility;
>>an enormous burden for novices.
>>-- gil
>+1 gil!   exactly!
>I've long thought that z/OS needed a good dose of modernization and overhaul 
>to come kicking and screaming onto the hardware of the 21st century....  Does 
>anyone use FLPA any more?
>On Tue, 5 Nov 2013 20:32:38 +0800, David Crayford <> wrote:
>>Indeed! It's and old story isn't it? If youngster's don't have easy
>>access to a platform they will not be interested in it. They can install
>>Linux on a cheap PC and hack away to their hearts content.
>>IBM really do need to wake up and start providing either emulation or
>>cheap virtual machines to as many universities as they can reach.
>This is the exact same  problem facing the IBM i community,  no cheap/free 
>option for experimentation and exploration.  IBM should make available a free 
>download of IBM z/OS emlated to run on a PC just for this purpose.  On second 
>thought, that would highlight all the 'encrusted patina of antiquity' and 
>probably send the 20-somethings running for the hills!

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