On 2013-12-28, at 10:21, Charles Mills wrote: > The user-friendly interactive nature of CMS. > How would you rank CMS vis-a-vis Unix System Services by this criterion? Before USS was available I tended to edit JCL on CMS with XEDIT; nowadays on Solaris, often accessing legacy data sets with NFS. NFS will deal with PDSE; I suspect that CMS would have trouble ACCESSing a PDSE, and writing to any legacy z/OS data set from CMS is questionable, as is catalog search. I use TSO/ISPF, now as earlier, largely for:
o SDSF o DSLIST o DDLIST o Testing with a customer-like environment. I keep one ISPF session active, and as many USS or Solaris as convenient; I've never mastered WSA. (and I have one EXEC that uses ISPF LMGET to process RECFM=U (by override) data sets because EXECIO refuses to deal with U. That's reported to get better in 2.1.) Rexx SYSCALL is a boon (or a least it spares me learning Perl). -- gil ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN