re: Application development paradigms [was: 
RE: Learning Rexx] Application development paradigms [was: 
RE: Learning Rexx]

another thing in the wake of FS failure

and the mad rush to get stuff back into the 370 product pipelines
(during FS, there were being terminated and/or suspended, which is also
credited with giving the clone processor makers a market foothold) ...
was the head of POK convinced corporate to kill vm370 product and
shutdown the VM370 burlington mall development group and move all the
people to POK (or otherwise mvs/xa wouldn't ship on time, endicott
finally did manage to resurrect the vm370 product mission ... but had to
reconstitute a development group from scratch).

at the time, somebody in the CMS group had extensively extended the
os/360 simulation ... which managed to all get lost in the burlington
mall shutdown. the standard CMS OS/360 had fit in less than 64kbytes
... some joke that CMS OS/360 simulation was much better
price/performance than the 8mbyte MVS OS/360 simulation.

the plan was to not inform the vm370/cms development people until the
very last minute (to minimize the people that might escape) ... but it
managed to leak early ... and lots of people left IBM and stayed in the
Boston area ... in fact there was joke that the head of POK was one of
the major contributors to VAX/VMS since so many people left for DEC
(including the person that did the major extension in os/360

later there was some internal IBM significant extensions to os/360
simulation. There were a number of major chip, hardware, and microcode
development applications that only ran on MVS. However, some of the
internal datacenters were starting to burst at the seams ... even with
all the 168s upgraded to 3033s. This was major rise of 4300 machines ...
the corporation was installing 4300s out in every departmental supply
and/or conference rooms (4300s taking over conference rooms, turned
conference rooms into scarce commodity) ... sort of the leading edge of
the distributed computing tsunami.

for large list of reasons, it wasn't practical to deploy MVS on all the
machines (MVS required enormously larger people support, nearly all of
them were with FBA disks which MVS doesn't support, MVS consumed much
larger percentage of these smaller systems, leaving less to productive
work, etc). Some number of internal installations ... extended the CMS
OS/360 simulation in order to be able to move these major development
applications out onto these distributed vm/4341s.

some old 4300 email from the period ... including discussion of
extending os/360 simulation (to be able to migrate lots of the MVS
workload out into distributed vm/4300s)

the significant increase in vm/4300s also was major factor in the
internal network passing 1000 nodes in summer 1983 ... past post
with several '83 internal network references (including list of
all corporate locations that added one or more network nodes in 1983)
past posts mentioning internal network

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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