Yes, how to maximize parallelism is the pertinent question.

Let's assume for the sake of argument, DS88xx with no SSD.
Mix of 3390-3, -9, and -27; HiperPAV enabled, with DASD defined as SHARED in 
the IODF, and some shared across Sysplex boundaries (understood this is not 
utopian, but some customers do it, either self-managed or with the assistance 
of MIM/MII).

How do you spread that 100GB across the farm, assuming you have at least 45 
mod-3 equivalents?  (If my math is not too far off, there's about 2.2GB of 
usable page space on a mod-3).  What would one avoid so as not to handcuff HPAV?

Art Gutowski
General Motors Corporation

On Thu, 2 Jan 2014 08:55:24 +0100, Vernooij, CP - SPLXM <> 
>I agree, overall sizing is a minor issue: make sure there is enough, what does 
>100GB more cost these days? 
>The more important issue is parallelism. Make sure ASM can do mass page outs 
>if it needs to. Page in should not be >your problem I suppose. 
>This brings in the missing info: what is your storage device?  
>Why don't you have Hiperpav? 
>The DS88xx are much more flexible than the ESSs.  

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