There is a paper in the current issue of Science,

Paul J. Merolla, et al., "A million sparking-neuron integrated circuit
with a scalable communication network and interface", Science, 2014
August 8,

available on-line at:

It reports on work by Pharmendra Modha and his colleagues (at both IBM
and Cornell) under DARPA-sponsored Project SyNAPSE (Systems of
Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics).  Crucially, True
North appears to have very low power-consumption requirements, about
175,000 times less trhan those of the best supercomputer emulations of
networks-of-neurons behavior.

We in fact have something important here; the PR furor was
appropriate.  A shoe-box sized "brain", one that doesn't have the
power requirements of New York's five boroughs, may now be in the womb
of time.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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